Adobe Audition Setup

This is a simple showcase of the basic things you need to know when editing in Adobe Audition:

  1. These are the tools for the spectral frequency display (see 2) to help you edit the little sounds annoying sounds.
  2. The spectral frequency display allows you to view the audio more detailed, so, for example, if you delete the bottom part, then it would make the audio sound higher pitched (if the red/yellow is at the top of the frequency display, then it's higher pitch, and if it's on the bottom, then it's lower pitch).
  3. This is the history rack, where it lists your previous edits. It comes in very handy when you make a mistake, and you want to go back and re-do it.
  4. These are the controls for listening to the audio. First of the buttons is the "stop" button, then "play", then "pause", then go to the beginning, then go back a little, then go forward a little, then go to the end, then record (I didn't say it was just an editor program!), then repeat the selected audio over and over, and last, skip the selected audio.
  5. This is the timeline, which shows you how many minutes/seconds/hours you are into the audio.
  6. This is what I like to call the "pitch bar", and if you play the audio, a green, yellow, and red bar will start moving, and if it's green, that means it's quiet. If it's yellow, that means it's not too loud, and it's not too quiet. But if it's red, that means its off the pitch, and way too loud.
  7. This is the marker rack, which shows you the list of markers (see 13) and options for them.
  8. this is the frequency analysis, and I don't quite know what it does, but it's basically the pitch bar (see 6), but it's more advanced.
  9. This is the adjustive amplitude panel, which can turn the audio higher and lower.
  10. This is the file rack, which is the most important of all. This is how you open the files, delete files, save files, etc. As you can see I already have 3 different files in the program, and I have one selected (which is the one displayed in the picture).
  11. These are two different settings. Right now I have it under waveform, where I can see the certain selected file. And then there's multitrack, where you can play multiple audio files at once, except it's not as advanced and detailed as waveform.
  12. This is what I like to call the "help panel", where you have the File panel, Edit panel, Multitrack panel, Clip panel, Effects panel, Favorites panel, view panel, Window panel, and the real "help panel". I don't want to get into details of what all of the panels do, but maybe another time.
  13. This is a marker, which is VERY useful, because if you hear something interesting in an episode, and you have to keep on editing, but you don't want to lose that spot, then you just leave a marker where it was, and you can even name it so you don't get confused if you have a whole bunch.
  14. Last of all, this is a separate adjustive amplitude panel, for the separate editor called the "Preview Editor".